Friday, March 20, 2015

Never Too Old for A Happy Childhood

The older I get, the more I like to play.  Here I am in my sixties and you might have thought that my days with toys were over. It can be knitting, sewing, sculpting, woodwork but the product always ends up being toys.  

And although the eyesight is worse than ever, the toys just keep getting smaller.  Miniatures are fascinating and have been since I was a child.  So now I'm in the process of building a dollhouse and hopefully making most of the furniture and decorations.  I do cave now and again and buy a tiny thing or two.  But they're so darling!

How long have humans had toys?  I'm on a journey to find out.  Along the way I expect to be bouncing around history and looking at what there is to find.  

For now, here's a photo of the dollhouse as it stands.  On the verge of making windows and porch bannisters.  This is a Real Good Toys Dollhouse, Victoria's Farmhouse.  I'll be adding a few walls inside to change up the rooms a bit.  Will keep you posted.  (Was that a blog joke?) 

This is a Real Good Toys Dollhouse, Victoria's Farmhouse. 

 I'll be adding a few walls inside to change up the rooms a bit. 

Will keep you posted.   (Was that a blog joke?)